Hi everyone,
Welcome to my new revamped site. I hope you all like it. It was done with love and care.
My first blog is going to be about forgiveness; big one! I have always found that it is a very hard thing for people to forgive; I feel that when we forgive someone, it is freeing ourselves up in getting all those negative feelings out of our system. It makes us healthier, on so many levels, emotionally, spiritually and physically. It allows us to feel better. Personally, I feel so much better when I have forgiven someone, I bring myself to a place of peace. I very much believe in Karma, the Law of Cause and Effect, or in other words, what goes around comes around, with that being said, if I want to be forgiven, for any wrong doings that I have done, I must also forgive. I often find that, my family, friends and clients, have a difficult time with forgiving. And let’s not forget the word that goes along with it, forgetting. I think it’s hard to forgive and forget when wronged in one way or another. Saying (I’m sorry) to small words that could mean the world of difference to someone that is hoping for an apology from you. I personally don’t have an issue with admitting when I’m wrong and more often say I’m sorry even when I’m not the person that did the damage, but as I’ve grown older, ha, I dare say… I have learned that forgiveness, well it is a process. Being, aware that it is a process, makes it easier for me to forgive people and if they have genuinely wronged me, then I move on. It does make ones heart, mind and Spirit feel a sense of freedom and happiness when this process is completed. We learn that it not only makes us feel better within ourselves but with others that we come across in our journey called life. For me there have been many, some I just had to say goodbye to and never look back..the karma was complete. There have been some I have been fortunate enough to have forgiven, mended fences and resumed happy and healthy relationships.
Forgiving and forgetting, I know they are supposed to go hand in hand, but I still haven’t mastered that one yet. I think that’s just part of our DNA; those imprints of whatever it was that caused the hurt in the first place. Time is a great healer. Don’t forget that!!! So try and forgive and know that time will heal the hurts you may be feeling today, and even the incident may be forgotten.
Love and Blessings, Joanne